Surrey mental health complex for veterans gets funding boost [CityNews]

Brian HoNews

A new integrated mental health complex in Surrey aimed at helping veterans with issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and rehab is getting some extra funding from a local Legion and charity.

Maple Ridge legion makes massive donation to new veterans’ centre for mental health [Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News]

Brian HoNews

Thanks to Maple Ridge Legion Branch 88, the future of mental health for veterans and first responders looks a little brighter.

Legion Veterans Village Research Foundation Receives $600,000 to Launch Mental Health Research Studies and Technologies for Veterans and First Responders

Brian HoNews

The Royal Canadian Legion Maple Ridge Branch 88 together with the Earl Haig Society has gifted the Legion Veterans Village Research Foundation (LVVRF) a total of $600,000 to initiate the ongoing mental health, PTSD, technologies and rehabilitation research within the Legion Veterans Village Centre for Clinical Excellence.